World Fragile X Day

22nd July is organised as World Fragile X Awareness Day. On this day various landmarks and monuments are illuminated by various communities globally.


About World Fragile X Day

  • World Fragile X Day celebrates the families who have been impacted by Fragile X and highlights the progress of cure finding research.
  • On World Fragile X Day monuments and landmarks across the globe are illuminated.
  • World Fragile X Day began with FRAXA Research Foundation joining hands with the various communities around the world to raise Fragile X awareness while making progress toward effective treatments and a cure.

About Fragile X

  • Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is genetic disease inherited from the parents to their children that causes developmental and intellectual disabilities.
  • Martin-Bell syndrome is another name of Fragile X Syndrome.
  • Among boys, the most common hereditary mental disability disease is the FXS and 1 in 4,000 boys are affected.
  • It’s less common in girls with 1 in every 8,000 being affected.
  • People suffering from FXS usually experience developmental and learning problems.
  • This disease is a chronic condition and only some people who are suffering from FXS are able to live independently.


Fragile X Society-India

Fragile X Society-India has been a support system for families impacted with the condition and also strives to create awareness about it. Since it causes intellectual disability and is inherited across generations it is important to create awareness regarding this disease. Close to 4,00,000 individuals in India suffer from this disease and this needs attention. Also in solidarity with Fragile X Society- India, various landmarks will also light up in green around the country.


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