Tejaswini Project

Tejaswini Project is the name of “Socioeconomic Empowerment of Adolescent Girls and Young Women Project”. The objective of this project is to improve the completion of market-driven skills training and secondary education for adolescent girls and young women. The scheme is operational in select 17 districts of Jharkhand and is expected to benefit around 680,000 adolescent girls and young women in the project.


This project consists of three components:

  • The first component called “Expanding Social, Educational, and Economic Opportunities” aims to support adolescent girls and young women of fifteen districts in Jharkhand to achieve greater social, educational, and economic empowerment. It has two sub components as follows:
    • Community-level Socioeconomic Empowerment of Adolescent Girls and Young Women; and
    • Institution-level Interventions for Completion of Vocational Skills Training and Education.
  • The second component, Intensive Service Delivery, will pilot and evaluate more intensive community-level service delivery models in two districts focused on increasing adolescent girls and young women’s access to educational interventions, training, and employment opportunities. It has two subcomponents as follows:
    • Enhanced Last Mile Service Delivery; and
    • Enhanced Outreach to Hard-to-reach Populations.
  • The third component, State Capacity Building and Implementation Support, aims to support strengthening of institutional capacity and outreach of the Department of Women and Child Development and Social Security (DWCDSS) and the Jharkhand Women Development Society (JWDS) to enable effective and efficient delivery of services for AGYW in the state. It has two sub components as folows:
  • Strengthening Systems and Convergence; and
  • Project Implementation Support.

The Tejaswini Project is basically being run with IDA support from World Bank and is being extended to other states also such as Madhya Pradesh.

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