Page-2 of Sea level increase

India ranks 77 on sustainability index and 131 on Flourishing Index

On February 20, 2020, WHO, Lancet and UNICEF together released a report titled “A Future for the World’s Children”. According to the report, a new Global index has been included in comparing performance of child nutrition, education and sustainability. According ..


Antarctica recorded the hottest temperature of 20.75 degrees Celsius

The World Meteorological Organization announced that for the first time in record Antarctica has recorded its hottest temperature ever, 20.75 Degree Celsius. So far, the highest was 18.3 Degrees Celsius that was recorded in January 1982. Highlights The higher temperatures ..


Study on Greenland Ice: Key Facts

The study of Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Space Lab published in the US journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on changes to Greenland’s ice sheet lists the following findings: Greenland’s melting ice caused sea levels to rise and ..
