Page-3 of Milky Way

Breakthrough Listen Project (BLP)

BLP is US$100-million global astronomical initiative launched in 2015 by Internet investor Yuri Milner and cosmologist Stephen Hawking. It has teams from around the world to find signs of intelligent life in universe. The 10-year programme aims to survey 1,000,000 ..

Ancient star with five Earth size planets discovered by astronomers

Astronomers have discovered a star that is 11.2 billion years old and has at least five Earth-size planets. It was discovered by team of astronomer’s after analyzing data from NASA’s planet-hunting Kepler spacecraft for over four years. Key findings This ..


Swift J1745-26

It is the name of newly discovered black hole toward the centre of Milky Way galaxy. It was discovered by NASA’s Swift satellite which detected a rising tide of high-energy X-rays from a source toward the center of our Milky ..