Page-3 of Land Reforms

Various Objectives of Land Reforms

The main objective of the land reforms programme is to do away with the existing inequalities in the system of landholding and to increase the agricultural productivity. The Five Year Plans aimed to remove the impediments for increase in agricultural ..

Constitutional Provisions on Land and Land Reforms in India

The constitution of India has included the Land reform in State subjects. The Entry 18 of the State List is related to land and rights over the land. The state governments are given the power to enact laws over matters ..

Difference between Land Reforms and Agrarian Reforms

Land reforms refers to a wide variety of specific programmes and measures to bring about more effective control and use of land for the benefit of the community as a whole. Land reforms generally comprise the takeover of land by ..

Impact of British Policy on Indian Agriculture and Land

The British Era is also known as a period of commercial revolution in the agricultural sector. Commercialization of agriculture was coincident with Industrial revolution and became prominent around 1860 A.D. This brought about a change from cultivation for home consumption ..

Land Revenue in Ancient India

Land revenue system in ancient India was based upon income from land, thus rated according to the productivity and kind of soil. Manu fixed it between 1/6, 1/8 or 1/12 according to the quality of the soil. Gautama raises the ..

Agricultural Census

Every five years, an agricultural census is conducted in India. First such census was done in 1970s and the reference year for the first Agriculture Census was 1970-71.  Under this scheme, centre provides funds to states and entire work is ..