Page-2 of Helium

NASA Spots 1st Molecule of the Universe

The scientists have detected the first molecule to ever form from stray atoms in the universe. The first such molecule was helium hydride, a combination of helium and hydrogen. The discovery is a first step in unlocking the mystery of ..


Helium hydride ion to be the first molecule detected in space

NASA’s flying observatory SOFIA has detected Helium hydride ion (HeH+), the first molecule that formed almost 14 billion years ago towards a planetary nebulae. It is the first type of molecule that formed in the universe after the Big Bang. ..

Oxygen in Orion constellation

Recently, the European Space Agency’s Herschel telescope has found the first confirmed evidence of oxygen molecules in space. The Oxygen molecules have been found in the star forming region of the Orion constellation. Oxygen gas was discovered in the 1770s, ..
