Key Hindrances to Good Governance

Good governance means an accountable and audited public service which has the bureaucratic competence to implement appropriate public policies and an independent judicial system to uphold the law. Despite the continuing efforts to enhance the quality of governance in the country, from insufficiencies and complexities, both structural and non-structural, there are hindrances that still exist.


According to Transparency International Report, “Corruption acts to diminish the ability of law enforcement to accomplish its mission. The prevalence of corruption diminished the ability of the law enforcement, adversely affected the judiciary, administration and is delaying the fair functioning of the society.

Inefficiency of Bureaucracy

Bureaucracy of India is not so efficient in management and administration. The capacity of policy implementation of our bureaucracy is very poor compared to other developing economies. Accountability and transparency are new to the civil society.

Nepotism and Politicization in Public Administration

Nepotism is another swearword of our political affairs and administration. Privilege and unfair advantage to the family members, kith’s and kin on public resources is practiced widely, so the mass people are deprived. In addition, Corrupted and inefficient policing increases human rights violation, and false cases.

Improper and non-observance of the rule of law: It is said that laws exist but are applied only in favour of privilege people or class. As a result justices suffer and denied to the common people although that is an important aspect of good governance.

Improper use of resources

Decentralisation and funding to the local government is not utilized properly and very often diverted to other purposes. So, the target group are not covered properly with the available resources.

Poor Planning Strategy

Improper planning and use of resources result in scarceness in resources like electricity, water and fuel. Besides these, Insurgency, Naxalism and discrimination against the minorities and environmental degradation around this country and problems related to land reforms and tribal welfare also acts as hindrances to good governance.

Without good governance, the benefits of public programs will not reach their target recipients, especially the poor. Emphasizing the strengthening of good governance at the national level, including the building of effective and accountable institutions for promoting growth and sustainable human development will remove the hindrances and pave way to good governance

Measures for good governance taken by India

Since the bad governance is the root cause of all evils, within our societies, hence there is a need for good governance. Most of the features linked with good governance enunciated by World Bank are found in the reform process initiated in India for good governance. These include

  • Decentralization of power among different layers of Government
  • Holding periodic elections
  • Improving the conduct of elections through electoral reforms
  • Passing the Right to Information Act, 2005 to bring in accountability and transparency in administration,
  • Launching programmes like Citizen’s Charter.
  • The Lokpal Bill to curb corruption in administration and to investigate allegations against public men.

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