UGC/NTA Net – Anthropology
Unit 1: Fundamentals of Anthropology
- Overview and Scope of Anthropology
- History, development, aim, and scope of Anthropology
- Relationship with other sciences
- Different branches of Anthropology (including Linguistic Anthropology) and their interrelationship
- Research Methodology and Methods
- Concepts of epistemology, ontology, and theoretical perspectives
- Types of research: qualitative and quantitative
- Research design and hypothesis
- Fieldwork and Fieldwork Tradition
- Ethnography, Observation, Interview
- Case Study, Life History, Focus group
- PRA, RRA, Genealogical Method
- Schedules and Questionnaires
- Grounded Theory, Exploration and Excavation, GIS
- Statistics
- Concept of variables and sampling
- Measures of central tendency and dispersion
- Parametric and nonparametric tests
- Bivariate and multivariate statistical tests (linear regression and logistic regression)
- Techniques of Analysis
- Content analysis
- Discourse analysis
- Narratives
Unit 2: Evolution
- Theories of Evolution
- Lamarckism, Neo-Lamarckism
- Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism
- Synthetic theory
- Neutral theory of molecular evolution
- Concepts of cladogenesis and anagenesis
- Punctuated equilibrium
- Selection
- Primate Radiation
- Trends in Primate radiation
- Primate classification and distribution of extinct and extant species
- Characteristics of Primates
- Morphological characteristics (e.g., hair)
- Skeletal characteristics (cranial, post-cranial, dental, brain)
- Physical characteristics (opposability of thumb)
- Locomotion (quadrupedalism, brachiation, bipedalism) and posture
- Primate social behaviour
- Extant Primates
- Distribution, characteristics, and classification
- Prosimii:
- Tarsiioidea
- Lorisoidea
- Lemuroidea
- Anthropoidea:
- Ceboidea
- Cercopithecoidea
- Hominoidea
- Morphological and anatomical characteristics of Human, Chimpanzee, Gorilla, Orangutan, and Gibbon
- Fossils of Extinct Primates
- Oligocene-Miocene fossils: Parapithecus, Gigantopithecus, Aegyptopithecus, Dryopithecus, Ramapithecus, Sivapithecus
- Pre-Hominid Groups
- Sahelanthropus tchadensis (Toumai)
- Orrorin tugenensis
- Ardipithecus ramidus
- Early Hominids
- Australopithecus afarensis
- Australopithecus ramidus
- Australopithecus africanus
- Australopithecus (Paranthropous) boisei
- Australopithecus (Paranthropous) robustus
- Australopithecus bahrelghazali
- Early Transitional Human
- Homo habilis
- Hominid Evolution
- Characteristics and distribution of Homo erectus
- Fossil evidence:
- Africa (Turkana boy)
- Asia (Java man and Peking man)
- Europe (Dmanisi)
- Homo floresiensis (Dwarf variety)
- Archaic Sapiens
- Europe (Homo heidelbergensis)
- Africa (Rhodesian Man)
- Asia (China, Jinniushan, India, Narmada Man)
- Neandertal Man
- Distribution
- Salient features
- Phylogenetic position
- Anatomically Modern Homo Sapiens
- Africa (Omo)
- Europe (Cro-magnon, Chancelade, Grimaldi)
- Asia (Jinniushan)
- Australia (Lake Mungo)
- Dispersal of Modern Humans
- Out of Africa hypothesis
- Multiregional hypothesis
- Partial Replacement hypothesis
Unit 3: Modern Human Variation
- Models of Human Variation
- Typological Model
- Populational Model
- Clinal Model
- Overview of Classification proposed by Blumenbach, Deniker, Hooton, Coon, Garn, and Birdsell
- Ethnic Classification and Distribution of Indian Populations
- H. Risley
- S. Guha
- S. Sarkar
- Linguistic distribution of ethnic groups
- Methods of Studying Human Genetics
- Cytogenetics
- Mendelian Genetics
- Twin Genetics
- Sib Pair methods
- Population Genetics
- Molecular Genetics
- Cytogenetics
- Cell cycle
- Standard karyotyping and banding techniques (G, C, and Q)
- Chromosomal abnormalities
- Fluorescent in situ hybridization
- Lyon’s hypothesis
- Importance of telomere and centromere
- Linkage and chromosome mapping, genetic imprinting
- Modes of Inheritance
- Autosomal (dominant, recessive, codominance)
- Sex-linked, sex-influenced, and sex-limited inheritance
- Modifying genes, suppressor genes, selfish gene
- Multiple allelic inheritance
- Multifactorial inheritance (stature and skin colour)
- Polygenic inheritance
- Dermatoglyphics
- Finger-ball Pattern types
- Dankmeijer’s Index
- Furuhata’s Index
- Pattern Intensity Index
- Total Finger Ridge Count
- Absolute Finger Ridge Count
- Palmar formula and mainline index
- Transversality
- atd angle and flexion creases
- Population Genetics
- Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium: definition and application
- Mating patterns: random, assortative, and consanguineous
- Inbreeding coefficient
- Genetic load
- Genetic isolate
- Genetic drift
- Genetic distance
- Genetic polymorphism (balanced and transient)
- Molecular Genetics
- DNA, RNA, genetic code, and protein structure and synthesis
- Concepts of RFLPs, VNTRs, STRs, and SNPs
- Mitochondrial DNA
- Genic and genomic mutations
Unit 4: Human Growth, Development and Maturation
- Concepts and Principles of Growth
- Definition and basic principles of growth
- Phases of growth: Prenatal and postnatal
- Growth and development of different body parts, subcutaneous tissues, and physiological variables
- Growth Curves
- Velocity curve
- Distance curve
- Acceleration curve
- Scammon’s Growth curve
- Catch up and Catch down growth
- Aging and Senescence
- Somatic, skeletal, and dental maturation
- Factors affecting growth: Genetic and Environmental
- Secular trends in growth
- Methods of Studying Human Growth
- Longitudinal studies
- Cross-sectional studies
- Mixed longitudinal studies
- Linked longitudinal studies
- Body Composition
- Bone mass
- Body mass
- Percentage of body fat
- Segmental fat
- Body age
- Human Adaptation
- Allen’s and Bergmann’s rule
- Human Adaptability Programme
- Adaptation to heat, cold, and high altitude
- Somatotyping
- Concept and Development
- Approaches: Kretschmer, Sheldon, Parnoll, Health-Carter
- Applications
- Demography
- Multidisciplinary nature and relation with other disciplines
- Relationship between demography and anthropological demography
- Key components:
- Fertility: Concept and determinants
- Morbidity and mortality: Concept and determinants
- Migration: Concept and determinants
- Selection intensity
Concept of Prehistoric Archaeology- Specialized Areas of Archaeology
- Ethno-archaeology
- Experimental archaeology
- Environmental archaeology
- Settlement archaeology
- Cognitive archaeology
- Geo-archaeology
- Action archaeology
- Theoretical Paradigms
- Descriptive period
- Scientific period
- Interpretative period
- Dating Techniques
- Typology
- Seriation
- Geo-archaeological techniques
- Obsidian hydration
- Chemical dating of bones
- Oxygen isotope analysis
- Fluorine estimation
- Dendrochronology
- Radiocarbon dating
- Fission track dating
- Thermo-luminescence
- Potassium-argon dating
- Varve clay analysis
- Cross-dating
- Amino acid racemization
- Palaeomagnetic dating
- Paleoenvironment and Climatic Changes
- Major geological stages: Tertiary, Quaternary, Pleistocene, Holocene
- Climatic changes: Glacial and interglacial periods, ice age, pluvial and inter-pluvial phases
- Evidence of Quaternary climatic changes:
- Moraines
- Varve
- River terraces
- Loess
- Sea level changes
- Beach sequences
- Sea core
- Fluviatile deposits
- Palynology
- Palaeontology
- Site formation
- Lithic Tool Typology and Technology
- Lower Palaeolithic:
- Pebble tools
- Chopper and chopping tools
- Bifaces
- Handaxes and cleavers
- Middle Palaeolithic:
- Clactonian tools
- Levalloisian flakes
- Mousterian flakes
- Discoid cores
- Tortoise core
- Fluted core
- Scrapers and points
- Upper Palaeolithic:
- Blades
- Knives
- Blunted back tools
- Borers
- Burins
- Points
- Mesolithic: Microliths
- Neolithic: Ring stone, grindstone, celt, adze
- Overview of Lithic Cultures of Europe
- Lower Palaeolithic: Acheulian culture
- Middle Palaeolithic: Mousterian culture
- Upper Palaeolithic:
- Perigordian
- Chatelperronian
- Gravettian
- Aurignacian
- Solutrian
- Magdalenian
- Mesolithic:
- Azilian
- Tardenoisean
- Maglemosian
- Kitchen Midden
- Natufian
- Early Farming Cultures and Neolithic of the Near East
- Sites: Jericho, Jarmo, Çatal Huyuk, Shanidar
Unit 6: Lower Palaeolithic Period in India
- Lower Palaeolithic Period
- Pebble tool culture: Soan Acheulian culture
- Madrasian (Kortalayar Valley)
- Key sites:
- Attirampakkam
- Didwana
- Belan Valley
- Bhimbetka
- Chirki-Nevasa
- Hunsgi
- Krishna Valley
- Importance of Hathnora, Narmada Valley
- Middle Palaeolithic Period
- Key sites: Belan Valley, Bhimbetka, Nevasa, Narmada Valley
- Upper Palaeolithic Period
- Key sites: Renigunta, Billa Surgam, Patne, Bhimbetka, Son and Belan Valleys, Visadi, Pushkar, Gunjan Valley
- Mesolithic Period
- Economy and society
- Post-Pleistocene environmental changes
- Development in microlithic technology
- Composite tools and bows and arrows
- Key sites:
- Bagor
- Tilwara
- Langhnaj
- Adamgarh
- Chopani Mando
- Sarai Nahar Rai
- Birbhanpur
- Neolithic Period
- Economic and social consequences of food production
- Settlements, population growth, craft specializations, class formation, and political institutions
- Key sites: Burzahom, Gufkral, Ahar, Gilund, Nagada, Kayatha, Navdatoli, Eran, Nevasa, Chandoli, Daimabad, Inamgaon, Prakash, Maski, Brahmagiri, Sangankallu, Tekkalkota, Piklihal, Nagarjunakonda, Daojali Hading, Kuchai, Sarutadu
- Prehistoric Cave Art from India
- Bhimbetka
- Adamgarh
- Indus Civilization
- Expansion of village sites
- Development of metal technology, art, and writing
- Architecture and city planning
- Stages and theories of decline
- Key sites: Amri, Kot Diji, Kalibangan, Mohenjodaro, Harappa, Lothal, Dholavira, Rakhigarhi
- Pottery and Traditions
- Ochre Coloured Pottery (OCP)
- Black and Red Ware
- Painted Grey Ware (PGW)
- Northern Black Polished Ware (NBP)
- Distribution and period of pottery types
- Bronze/Copper Age
- General characteristics
- Distribution
- People
- Iron Age and Urban Revolution
- General characteristics
- Distribution
- People
- Megaliths
- Concept and types:
- Menhir
- Dolmen
- Topical
- Cist
- Cairn circle
- Sarcophagi
Unit 7: Conceptual Understanding of Social Anthropology
- Culture
- Attributes
- Holism
- Universals
- Acculturation
- Enculturation
- Transculturation
- Culture Change
- Culture Shock
- Cultural Relativism
- Civilization
- Folk-Urban Continuum
- Great and Little Tradition
- Cultural Pluralism
- World-View
- Society
- Groups
- Institutions
- Associations
- Community
- Status and Role
- Incest
- Endogamy and Exogamy
- Rites of Passage
- Social Institutions
- Family
- Definitions and universality
- Typological and Processual methods of study
- Types of family: Conjugal-natal, Consanguineal, Nuclear, Joint, Extended
- Rules of residence: Patrilocal, Matrilocal, Ambilocal, Bilocal, Neolocal, Avunculocal, Virilocal, Amitalocal, Uxorilocal
- Functions of family
- Trends of change: Urbanization, Globalization, Industrialization, Feminist movements
- Marriage
- Definition and universality
- Types and functions:
- Monogamy
- Polygamy (Polyandry, Polygyny)
- Hypogamy
- Hypergamy
- Levirate
- Sororate
- Preferential and Prescriptive types
- Marital transactions: Bride price, Dowry, Marriage as exchange
- Kinship
- Definition and Descent
- Kinship terminology
- Matrilineal puzzle
- Joking and Avoidance relationships
- Moiety, Phratry, Clan, and Lineage
- Types of kinship systems
- Economic Anthropology
- Definition and relationship with Anthropology and Economy
- Theories: Malinowski, Formal, Substantivist, Marxist
- Livelihoods and Subsistence
- Principles of production, distribution, and consumption
- Division of labor in hunting-gathering, pastoral, swidden, and agricultural communities
- Exchange, reciprocity, gifts, and barter systems
- Kula, Potlatch, and Jajmani – Anthropological explanations
- Legal Anthropology: Anthropology of Law and Social Sanctions
- Political Organization
- Definitions
- Political processes in bands, tribes, chiefdoms, and state systems
- Conflicts and social control
- Nations and Nation-states
- Democracy
- Religion and Belief Systems
- Definitions
- Belief concepts: Animism, Animatism, Manaism, Bongaism, Totemism, Taboo
- Religious specialists: Witch, Shaman, Priest, Medicine-man, Sorcerer
- Magic: Definitions, Types, Approaches
- Rituals
- Social Change
- Basic ideas and concepts: Assimilation, Integration, Syncretism, Dominance, and Subjugation
- Approaches
Unit 8: Theories in Social Anthropology
- Evolutionism
- Tylor
- Morgan
- Fraser
- Maine
- McLennan
- Diffusionism
- Austro-German School
- British School
- American School
- Historical Particularism – Boas
- Functionalism – Malinowski
- Structural-Functionalism – Radcliffe-Brown, Firth, Fortes, Eggan, Parsons
- Structuralism – Levi-Strauss
- Culture and Personality/Psychological Anthropology
- Mead
- Benedict
- DuBois
- Linton
- Kardiner
- Whiting and Child
- Cultural Ecology, Environmental Anthropology, Neo-evolutionism
- Leslie White
- Julian Steward
- Marshall Sahlins
- Cultural Materialism – Marvin Harris
- Symbolic Anthropology
- Victor Turner
- Raymond Firth
- Mary Douglas
- Cognitive Anthropology
- Roy D’Andrade
- Stephen Tyler
- Ward Goodenough
- Deep Ethnography and Interpretive Anthropology
- Clifford Geertz
- Anthropology and Gender
- Leela Dube
- Renato Rosaldo
- Marilyn Strathern
- Zora Neale Hurston
- Postmodernism, Poststructuralism, and Postcolonialism
- Foucault
- Derrida
- Bourdieu
- Ethnicity
- Barth
- Jeffery
- Weber
Unit 9: Stages in the Development of Indian Anthropology
- Key Concepts
- Social Stratification (e.g., Caste)
- Scheduled Caste (SC), Dalit, OBC, Nomadic Groups
- Revivalist/Nativist movements
- Peasant movements: Malabar and Telengana movements
- Tribal Studies
- Tribe and Scheduled Tribe (ST)
- Particularly Vulnerable Groups (PVTGs)
- Tribal movements: Birsa and Naga movements
- Tribal Development and Distribution
- Village Studies
- Indian Village and Village Studies in India
- Key contributors:
- C. Dube
- McKim Marriott
- Weiser
- Scarlett Epstein
- N. Srinivas
- G. Bailey
- Constitutional Safeguards
- Safeguards for SC and ST
- Inclusion and Exclusion
- Panchayati Raj Institutions
- Traditional community political organizations
- Self-Help Groups (SHGs)
- Theoretical Ideas
- Sanskritization
- Westernization
- Modernization
- Globalization
- Sacred Complex
- Nature-Man-Spirit Complex
- Early Indian Anthropologists and Their Contributions
- S. Ghurye
- S. Guha
- C. Roy
- Iravati Karve
- P. Vidyarthi
- C. Dube
- N. Srinivas
- K. Bose
- Surajit Sinha
- N. Majumdar
- R.K. Chopra
- Verrier Elwin
- S. Sarkar
- Dharani Sen
- C. Das
- C. Biswas
Unit 10: Concepts and Theories
- Applied and Specialized Anthropology
- Applied Anthropology
- Action Anthropology
- Engaged Anthropology
- Experimental Anthropology
- Urban Anthropology
- Public Anthropology
- Public Archaeology
- Specialized Fields
- Anthropology of Development
- Medical Anthropology
- Visual Anthropology
- Genomic Studies
- Genetic Screening and Counseling
- Forensic Anthropology
- Food and Nutritional Anthropology
- Ergonomics
- Kinanthropometry
- Business Anthropology
- Community Development
- Community Development Projects: Rural, Urban, and Tribal
- Revisits, Re-studies, Reinterpretations
- Intervention and Research Process
- Social Impact Assessment (SIA)
- Anthropological Approaches in Community Studies
- Public health
- Education
- Nutrition
- Land alienation
- Bonded labor
- Housing
- Alternative economy
- Livelihood
- Gender issues
- Relief, Rehabilitation, and Relocation
- Identity crisis
- Communication
- Training and management
- Aging and the aged
- Development Strategies
- Plan/Sub Plan
- Role of NGOs in Development
- Anthropology and NGOs
- Empowerment
- Women
- LGBT groups