Quiz 515: General Knoweldge for UPSC Examinations – GKToday

Quiz 515: General Knoweldge for UPSC Examinations

The Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is commonly known as _______?
The 40+9 recommendations are related to which among the following organizations/ bodies?
Consider the following reasons of why India became a regular member of the Financial Action Task Force:  1. It will help India to build the capacity to fight terrorism and trace terrorist money 2. It will help India to successfully investigate and prosecute money laundering and terrorist financing offences 3. It will help India to have a greater access to the international grants and aids Which among the above is / are correct?

Which among the following international bodies have taken active interest in launching the “Global Tiger Initiative” to save tigers and conserve tiger habitats?
Who had established London Muslim League in 1908?
Which of the following Viceroys of India used to write poems with the Pen name of “Owen Meredith”?
Consider the following statements:
  1. In the Ryotwari System, the Government retained the right to resume the land at will
  2. In the Ryotwari System, the Government retained the right to enhance the land revenue at will
Which among the above is/ are correct statements?
The Defense ministry of India takes part in the Shared Awareness and De-Confliction (SHADE) Meetings with other countries for which among the following purposes?
Chenab River also known as Chandrabhaga forms with the merging of Chandra and Bhaga Rivers near which among the following places?
National Research Centers (NRC) and their locations:
  1. NRC-Citrus : Nagpur
  2. NRC-Grapes : Kolhapur
  3. NRC-Banana : Trichy
  4. NRC- Litchi : Muzaffarpur
which among the above matches are correct?

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