A dealer buys a car listed at 200000 Rs. at successive discounts of 5% and 10%. If he sells the car for 179550, then his profit is :
Q. A dealer buys a car listed at 200000 Rs. at successive discounts of 5% and 10%. If he sells the car for 179550, then his profit is :
Answer: 5%
Notes: Equivalent discount $latex = 10+5-\frac{10\times 5}{100} = 14.5\%&s=1$ ∴ CP = 85.5% of 200000 $latex = \left ( \frac{85.5\times 200000}{100} \right )= 171000\ Rs.&s=1$ SP = 179550 Rs. Gain = (179550 - 171000) = 8550 Rs. $latex \therefore Gain\ \% = \frac{8550}{171000}\times 100 = 5\%&s=1$ Hence option [B] is correct answer.