Multilateral Convention relating to Tax Matters inked by India – GKToday

Multilateral Convention relating to Tax Matters inked by India

· Indian finalized a Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters.


The salient features of this Multilateral Convention are:-

  1. Based on international standard of transparency and exchange of information.
  2. A multilateral and a single legal basis for multi-country cooperation as against the DTAAs (Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements) and TIEAs (Taxation Information Exchange Agreements) which are bilateral.
  3. Allows for an extensive network and there will be coherent application of provisions leaving limited scope for deflection.
  4. Allows all-embracing forms of cooperation among the signatories on all taxes.
  5. Facilitates the exchange of information, and at the same time also provides for assistance in the recovery of taxes. This will give a boost to the efforts of the Indian Government in fetching the Indian money illegally cached overseas.
  6. Provides for concurrent tax examinations and participation in tax examinations in other countries. This allows for examination of tax affairs of the taxpayers simultaneously in their own territory and share the relevant information to each other. This allows tax officials to enter into the territory of the other country to interview individuals and examine records.
  7. Allows for automatic exchange of information and spontaneous exchange of information.
  8. Allows for service of documents in other country.
  9. Provides exchange of past information in criminal tax matters.
  10. The information received under the convention can also be used for other purposes besides those related to tax cooperation, for example to counter money laundering with the approval of the supplying state.


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