Terahertz Imaging Technology

Terahertz imaging technology is a scanning technique that uses extremely high frequency waves to penetrate dense surfaces. It is a non-destructive evaluation (NDE) technique used for dielectric (non-conducting, i.e., an insulator) materials analysis and quality control in the pharmaceutical, biomedical, security, materials characterization, and aerospace industries.

Originally the technique was used in petroleum reserves and now is being used in by artists to create particular effects or it can also plumb, without causing damage, layers of wear-and-tear over the years. Beyond old art, the non-destructive technique also has potential applications for detecting skin cancer, ensuring proper adhesion of turbine blade coatings, and measuring the thickness of automotive paints. NASA Space Shuttle inspections are an example of this technology’s application. Since security screening is looking for anomalous images, items like false legs, false arms, colostomy bags, body-worn urinals, body-worn insulin pumps, and external breast augmentations will show up. Active imaging techniques can also be used to perform medical imaging. Because THz radiation is biologically safe, it can be used in high resolution imaging to detect skin cancer.