SMART Search Engine

Search engine for Multimedia Environment generated content (SMART) is a new project to develop a search engine which will draw its results from sensors. This European-funded project aims to develop and implement a system to allow internet users to search and analyse data from these sensors. The project has been undertaken by computer scientists at the University of Glasgow. By matching search queries with information from sensors and cross-referencing data from social networks such as Twitter, users will be able to receive detailed responses to questions such as “What part of the city hosts live music events which my friends have been to recently?” or “How busy is the city centre?” Currently, standard search engines such as Google are not able to answer search queries of this type. The search engine will be tested in 2014.


  1. Aman Ghawari

    June 20, 2015 at 11:39 am

    its so amazing

  2. Salman ahmad

    July 26, 2015 at 9:09 pm

    Red planet is?

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