Modern Indian History

Depressed Caste Movements in British India

One, of the earliest lower caste movements, which became the torch bearer for the future caste movements, was founded in Maharashtra in the 1870s by Jyotiba Phule, who with his books Gulamgiri (1872) and Sarvajanik Satyadharma Pustak and his organisation ..

Islamic Reform Movements of British India

There were a number of religious-revivalist and even religious-reform movements launched by the Muslim reformers. However, these were less powerful and lacked national standings. Some notable are as follows: Anjuman-i-Himayat-i-Islam It was founded in Lahore in 1866 by Muhammad Shafi ..

Reforms Movements for Women in British India

In the 19th century the emancipation of women became a matter of prime concern for the socio-religious reformers. Individual Activists Raja Ram Mohan Roy campaigned for abolition of Sati practice ans was successful in getting a legislation enacted by company. ..

Sikh Reform Movements

Important Sikh Movements of 19th century are discussed briefly below. The Nirankari Movement This movement, initially an offshoot of Sikhism, was founded in the 1840s by Baba Dayal Das (1783-1885), who emphasized the worship of God as nirankar (formless God). ..

Bahujan Samaj Movement

The Satyashodhak Samaj later on turned out to be socially and politically divisive and loyalist, when the Maharaja (Shahu) of Kolhapur, who was having problems with his Brahman courtiers, patronised it. So did the British. They supported this movement, and ..

Nair Service Society

In the Travancore State Namboodiris and non-Malayali Brahmans occupied privileged positions in the State administration, with the Namboodiris enjoying big tax-free jemi estates. A number of modern Malayali novels attacked the Brahman domination and the exploitative and humiliating customs perpetrated ..

Temple Entry Movements

The Aravipuram movement was of far-reaching importance in South India. Inspired by its success, a number of socio-religious reform movements were launched in the South. The Temple Entry Movement is the more prominent among them. The struggle against the disabilities ..

Aravipuram Movement

Aravipuram Movement  was launched by Sri Narayana Guru on Shivaratri day of 1888. On that day, Sri Narayana Guru defied the religious restrictions traditionally placed on the Ezhava community, and consecrated an idol of Shiva at Aravipuram. Sri Narayana Guru, ..