General Science – Physics

Current Electricity

Electric current is different from static electricity and it involves the flow of electric charge. The flow of electrons in solid conductors, and the flow of ions and electrons in liquids constitute the current. To maintain continuous flow of current ..

Static Electricity

Static electricity refers to an imbalance of electric charges within or on the surface of a material. The charge remains until it is able to move away by means of an electric current or electrical discharge. Electricity by Friction Friction produces the electric effects. The well-known example ..


A simple magnet is a magnetised bar of iron. It attracts and holds iron pieces but does not attract pieces of copper. Those materials attracted by a magnet comes under magnetic materials and those not attracted are described as non-magnetic.  ..

Physics: Sound

Sound waves come from vibration of material objects. For example, vibrations of vocal cards in the larynx, and the vibrating strings of the sitar produce sounds.  The frequency of the sound wave is same as the frequency of the vibrating ..

Fluids, Pressure, Archimedes’ Principle

Fluids refers to the substances which can flow when an external force is applies to them. Both liquids and gases come under the category of fluids. Fluids don’t have a finite shape and take the shape of the vessel containing ..

Elasticity (Physics)

Elasticity refers to that property of an object by virtue of which it regains its original configuration after removal a deforming force. Deforming force is the force which causes a change in configuration of an object when applied to it. ..

Physics: Inertia, Force, Newton’s Laws of Motions,  Weight and Friction

This article discusses important concepts related to Inertia, Force, Newton’s Laws of Motions,  Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum, weight and friction concepts for General Knowledge of Physics for SSC and UPSC Prelims Examinations. Inertia The property of an object ..

Circular Motion

When an object moves in circular path, it is called circular motion. If the speed of the object in circular motion remains constant, then it is called uniform circular motion. If the speed is not constant, then the motion is ..