Environment & Biodiversity

What are climate tipping points?

There is growing evidence that the climate is rapidly approaching critical tipping points beyond which abrupt and/or irreversible changes could occur. A 2023 report identified at least 5 major climate tipping points that are already at risk of being crossed ..


Floral Biodiversity of Himalayas

The Himalayas are home to one of richest floral diversities in the world. As per estimates, nearly 10,000 species of plants are found in the Himalayan region of which about 40% are endemic. Eastern Himalaya is a rich centre of ..

Ramsar Sites in India (2023)

As of 2023, India is home to 75 Ramsar wetlands, recognized for their ecological significance under the Ramsar Convention. Andhra Pradesh (1 Site) Kolleru Lake Kolleru Lake is one of the largest freshwater lakes in India and the largest shallow ..

India State of Forest Report – 2021

India has a robust system for periodic assessment of its forest resources through the Forest Survey of India (FSI) under the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change. FSI carries out nation-wide mapping of Forest Cover, National Forest Inventory, and ..

Definition of Environment

The word environ means, in French, to surround, envelop, encircle or enclose. Environ means surrounding and “ment” means action, i.e., environment is the interaction between man and nature. Thus the term “environment” refers to our surrounding and variety of issues ..

Ecological Efficiency

Ecological efficiency refers to the efficiency with which energy and matter are transferred between trophic levels in an ecosystem. It is a measure of how much of the energy or biomass acquired by an organism is actually incorporated, rather than ..

Homeostasis and Negative Feedback in Ecosystems

A key feature of ecosystems is homeostasis – the ability to maintain stability and balance in the face of external changes or stresses through self-regulation. Negative feedback loops are a key mechanism behind achieving homeostasis. Negative Feedback In a negative ..

Types of Ecosystems

Ecosystems cover the entire globe, and there are several ways to classify them based on their common features. The major classification is: Terrestrial Ecosystems These ecosystems are found on land areas. The main types of terrestrial ecosystems are: Forests Tropical ..