Iran Reports substantial damage due to FLAME – GKToday

Iran Reports substantial damage due to FLAME

Iran reported substantial damage and huge data lost due to malicious software dubbed as Flame. It could be 3rd most powerful virus after Stuxnet and Duqu viruses. Largest number of infected machines is in Iran, followed by the Israel/Palestine, then Sudan and Syria.

What is Flame?

What is the potential of Flame?

Flame is capable of:

Thus it can steal sophisticated data from computers by exploiting flaws in the Windows O/S.

What are Stuxnet and Duqu?


To understand the potential of FLAME more, lets see the 5 dimensions of FLAME:-

  1. Complexity
  2. Breadth
  3. Network
  4. Victims
  5. Perpetrator






Why the needle of suspicion points towards the same nation states that build Stuxnet?

Actually, the creators of Stuxnet and Flame employed similar techniques to infect computers, which suggests that they were "parallel" projects backed by the same nation state.


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