Centre to launch Weekly Iron Folic Acid Supplementation Programme

With the substantial increase of adolescent anaemia, the Centre decided to launch the Weekly Iron Folic Acid Supplementation Programme among the age group of 10 to 19 years. Additional Secretary in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Anuradha Gupta pointed out that almost 50 % of nutritional deficiency related anaemia is Iron .

  • Cause of Anaemia : It is a result of under-nutrition and reduced dietary intake of iron. The problem is not only among adolescents but also pregnant women, infants and young children.
  • Effects of Anaemia:  Anaemia in adolescents results in poor physical growth, reduced and minimal concentration in daily tasks thereby impacting work capacity and work output.

The programme will be implemented across the country covering 13 crore adolescents. The Health Ministry has recommended to the States that IFA tablet is will be provided to adolescents one day in a week, preferably Monday.



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