The percentage expenses on various items during book production and sale.

The percentage expenses on various items during book production and sale.

(a) The cental angle for the sector on “Paper-Cost” is :


(b) If the ‘Printing -Cost’ is 17500 RS. The royalty paid is :
[A]6300 Rs.
[B]7500 Rs.
[C]8750 Rs.
[D]3150 Rs.

7500 Rs.
35% total cost = Rs. 17500
∴15% of total cost = $latex Rs. \frac{17500\times 15}{35} = Rs. 7500$

(c) If the “miscellaneous expenses” are Rs. 6000. How much more are “binding and cutting charges” than “Royalty”?
[A]Rs. 10500
[B]Rs. 4500
[C]Rs. 6000
[D]Rs. 5500

Rs. 4500
Difference in per cent cost of ‘binding and cutting charges’ and ‘rotalty’ = (18-15)%= 3%
Now, 4% of total cost = Rs. 6000
∴ 3% of total cost = $latex Rs. \frac{6000\times 3}{4}= Rs. 4500$

(d) The central angle corresponding to the sector on “Printing Cost” is more than that of “Acvertisement Charges” by:

Difference in per cent expensses on printing cost and advertisement charges = (35 – 18)% = 17%
Now, 1% = 3.6%
∴ 17% = 3.6°$latex \times$17=61.2°

(e) The “Paper Cost” is approximately what percent of “Printing Cost”?

The required per cent = $latex \frac{10\times 100}{35} $= 28.6% (approx)

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