Aptitude Question Id: 106102

Sarita and Julie start walking from the same place in the opposite directions. If Julie walks at a speed of $latex 2\frac{1}{2}km/hr&s=1$ and Sarita at a speed of 2 km/hr, in how much time will they be 18 km apart?
[A]4 hours
[B]4.5 hours
[C]4.8 hours
[D]5 hours

4 hours
Relative speed
$latex = \left ( \frac{5}{2}+2 \right )\ km/hr = \frac{9}{2}\ km/hr&s=1$
$latex Time = \frac{Distance}{Relative\ Speed} = \frac{18}{\frac{9}{2}}&s=1$
$latex = \frac{18\times 2}{9} = 4\ hours.&s=1$
Hence option [A] is correct answer.

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